ขอใบอนุญาตต่างด้าว ขออนุญาตขายเหล้า บุหรี่ ขายไพ่
STEP 3: The Tax ID Card
Once your work permit has been arranged, the next step is for your company to apply for a Thai taxpayer identification card. This ID card has a tax ID number which will be needed to be listed often in the future on documents.
STEP 4: Getting a Re-entry Permit
Visa vs. a Re-entry Permits
A lot of people misunderstand the difference between a visa and a re-entry permit much to there own disadvantage. Here is the key point: your visa is the controlling document. Everything is dependent on the dates there. Your reentry permit or work permit is only good till the date stamped in your passport to leave the country. Any reentry permit you get will expire when your visa expires. If you depart the country without a re-entry permit, your visa is invalidated as will be your work permit. This is a key distinction so after going through the process of getting a longer term visa and a work permit; please ensure you have a re-entry permit before departing the country. Also, for your initial trips after getting the visa and work permit, you may have someone knowledgeable look over your documents prior to leaving on the trip.
How to get a reentry permit
- Go in the morning (before noon), in person, to Immigration. The reentry window is on the ground floor on the left side. If you truly require your reentry permit the same day or you''ve submitted it after noon, the officers will accept "an expedited service fee" to get the job done.
- Here is the process:
-Submit a Re-entry request form
-Three passport-sized photos
One thousand baht for one reentry or 3,800 Baht for a multiple reentry. Keep in mind that the reentry permit expires when your visa expires or if you get any visa extension stamp in your passport.
When you present the above, you will receive a receipt and be told to return in the afternoon (or the next day if you submit it late) to pick up your passport. If this is inconvenient, you can send someone else to pick it up. All that is required to pickup the re-entry permit is the receipt. You can send someone else to pick it up and all they need is the receipt.
STEP 5: Renewing your visa and work permit
Your work permit expires when your visa does. Therefore you will have to renew your visa before you can renew your work permit. This can either be done in-country or in some cases you must leave the country. If you cannot get your visa extended in country, you will have to get a new non-immigrant visa from a Thai consulate abroad as explained above. If you have an unexpired multiple-entry visa, all you have to do is go over the border and then return. If required to go overseas, you will need to provide the consulate copies of your work permit and a new visa recommendation letter from your company on company letterhead. Some consulates have required the actual work permit (not a copy) be presented to them. Again, this is why it is good to check with the Foreign Ministry and with others with recent experience with the Consulate you will be utilizing to get updated information. Again, all of this must be done before your work permit expires.
Helping Your Chances
The more complete and official-looking documents you submit (i.e. Thai tax returns, Thai taxpayer identification card, etc.), generally the better. Usually you are wise to carry them with you in case you need them. However, only show them if asked or if it seems that your request will be refused. Once you return with your new visa, your work permit can be extended.
Making Things Easier for All
A few suggestions about surviving the process:
- First, be patient. This is a foreign country, you are a guest and the norms of bureaucracy may be different.
- Presence of a Thai to help expedite things usually is helpful as Thais generally understand how to deal with their own government officials better and usually can defuse potentially awkward moments without hard feelings.
- Keep in mind that you probably will need to return to Immigration more than once. It is therefore good if the Thai company person accompanying you can establish a personal relationship with someone at Immigration.
- It is important that the company person accompanying you is polite but it is also important that they be a good problem solver and a person who when confronted with refusal will not take “no” for an answer just because your request requires some work or possibly the need to search out someone at Immigration who is willing to be more helpful.
Various notes
- Keep track of the expiry dates of your visa, work permit, re-entry permit, etc. yourself. If you’re overly dependent on the Thai staff to do this you may be disappointed.
- Reporting every three months - All foreigners are required to register their address with immigration if they stay in the country over 90 days. Please note that this report must be made before the 90 days (that is 90 actual days, NOT three months) takes place. Reporting is free, but if you do not report in time there is a several-thousand baht fine. As long as the report is made before the 90 days are up, you can send someone else to Immigration to fill out this form for you.
- Overstays - Overstays (staying in the country beyond the date your visa expires) is illegal and will probably result in a fine. Usually the best way to handle this is to depart the country immediately and try to explain to the immigration officer the reason for your error. If your overstay is not long, generally you will just get a short lecture although you should be prepared to pay the fine if required. Don’t argue and keep in mind that the Immigration lockup is not a desirable place to be.
STEP 3: The Tax ID Card |
Once your work permit has been arranged, the next step is for your company to apply for a Thai taxpayer identification card. This ID card has a tax ID number which will be needed to be listed often in the future on documents. |
STEP 4: Getting a Re-entry Permit |
Visa vs. a Re-entry Permits |
A lot of people misunderstand the difference between a visa and a re-entry permit much to there own disadvantage. Here is the key point: your visa is the controlling document. Everything is dependent on the dates there. Your reentry permit or work permit is only good till the date stamped in your passport to leave the country. Any reentry permit you get will expire when your visa expires. If you depart the country without a re-entry permit, your visa is invalidated as will be your work permit. This is a key distinction so after going through the process of getting a longer term visa and a work permit; please ensure you have a re-entry permit before departing the country. Also, for your initial trips after getting the visa and work permit, you may have someone knowledgeable look over your documents prior to leaving on the trip. |
How to get a reentry permit |
When you present the above, you will receive a receipt and be told to return in the afternoon (or the next day if you submit it late) to pick up your passport. If this is inconvenient, you can send someone else to pick it up. All that is required to pickup the re-entry permit is the receipt. You can send someone else to pick it up and all they need is the receipt. |
STEP 5: Renewing your visa and work permit |
Your work permit expires when your visa does. Therefore you will have to renew your visa before you can renew your work permit. This can either be done in-country or in some cases you must leave the country. If you cannot get your visa extended in country, you will have to get a new non-immigrant visa from a Thai consulate abroad as explained above. If you have an unexpired multiple-entry visa, all you have to do is go over the border and then return. If required to go overseas, you will need to provide the consulate copies of your work permit and a new visa recommendation letter from your company on company letterhead. Some consulates have required the actual work permit (not a copy) be presented to them. Again, this is why it is good to check with the Foreign Ministry and with others with recent experience with the Consulate you will be utilizing to get updated information. Again, all of this must be done before your work permit expires. |
Helping Your Chances |
The more complete and official-looking documents you submit (i.e. Thai tax returns, Thai taxpayer identification card, etc.), generally the better. Usually you are wise to carry them with you in case you need them. However, only show them if asked or if it seems that your request will be refused. Once you return with your new visa, your work permit can be extended. |
Making Things Easier for All |
A few suggestions about surviving the process: |
Various notes |
- รับจดทะเบียน
- จดแก้ไขเปลี่ยนแปลง
- จดทะเบียนเกี่ยวกับสินค้า
- งานวางระบบ
- งานจัดทำบัญชี
- งานตรวจสอบ
- งานขอใบอนุญาต
- บริการเป็นที่ปรึกษา
- จัดอบรม ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจรายใหม่ เรื่องบัญชีภาษี และกฎหมายที่เกี่ยวข้องกับธุรกิจ
- จัดอบรมคอมพิวเตอร์สำหรับธุรกิจและคอมพิวเตอร์ผู้สูงวัย
- จำหน่ายโปรแกรมบัญชีสำเร็จรูปต่างๆพร้อมติดตั้งเช่น Express Accounting
- บริการ รับทำเว็บไซต์ ทำการตลาดออนไลน์
พิเศษ !!! สำหรับลูกค้าจดทะเบียนใหม่
ส่วนลดพิเศษ!! จัดทำเว็บไซต์จาก
ปกติ 12,000 บาท เหลือเพียง 5,000 บาท
ฟรี !!! ระบบอีเมล์ภายใต้ชื่อโดเมนเนม
พิเศษ !!! ลูกค้าจดทะเบียนใหม่และทำบัญชี
- ออกแบบเว็บไซต์ลดพิเศษเหลือ 3,500 บาท
- ฟรี ออกแบบโลโก้บรษัท พร้อมแนะนำการทำตลาดออนไลน์
- ฟรี รูปแบบใบส่งสินค้า ใบแจ้งหนี้ ใบกำกับภาษี ใบเสร็จรับเงินและเอกสารสำคัญอื่นๆ
- ฟรี ขึ้นทะเบียน ระบบ E-FILING เพื่อใช้นำส่งงบการเงินกับกระทรวงพาณิชย์
- ฟรี จดทะเบียน ภ.อ.01 เพื่อใช้ยื่นภาษีผ่านระบบออนไลน์
- ฟรี จัดเตรียมเอกสารขึ้นทะเบียน E-GP (ระบบจัดซื้อจัดจ้างภาครัฐ)
- ฟรี ที่ปรึกษาด้านการตลาดและบริหารธุรกิจ
กำแพงเพชร : ชัยนาท : นครนายก : นครปฐม : นครสวรรค์ : นนทบุรี : ปทุมธานี : พระนครศรีอยุธยา : พิจิตร : พิษณุโลก : เพชรบูรณ์ : ลพบุรี : สมุทรปราการ : สมุทรสงคราม : สมุทรสาคร : สิงห์บุรี : สุโขทัย : สุพรรณบุรี : สระบุรี : อ่างทอง : อุทัยธานี
กระบี่ : ชุมพร : ตรัง : นครศรีธรรมราช : นราธิวาส : ปัตตานี : พังงา : พัทลุง : ภูเก็ต : ระนอง : สตูล : สงขลา : สุราษฎร์ธานี : ยะลา
อุดรธานี : กาฬสินธุ์ : ขอนแก่น : ชัยภูมิ : นครพนม : นครราชสีมา : บึงกาฬ : บุรีรัมย์ : มหาสารคาม : มุกดาหาร : ยโสธร : ร้อยเอ็ด : เลย : สกลนคร : สุรินทร์ : ศรีสะเกษ : หนองคาย : หนองบัวลำภู : อุบลราชธานี : อำนาจเจริญ